Save Trees Slogans

We all know that trees are a very important part of our existence. But as we all know, with passing time, due to the needs of human beings, a large number of trees are being cut down. Large areas which were once covered by lush green forests have been turned into barren lands.
If we continue to destroy trees for our needs, then soon enough, there won’t be a single tree left on this Earth. Trees provide us with the most basic necessity that’s needed for us to live, i.e., oxygen. Without trees, human beings too can’t survive on Earth for long, and that’s why it’s important to save trees.

One Tree Can Make A Million Matches

One Tree Can Make A Million Matches

One tree can make a million matches; one match can destroy a million trees.

Trees are your best friends!

The best day to plant a tree is today

By killing trees, we are killing ourselves as well.

If the current generation cuts down trees, their children will have to pay fees.

Planting trees will help reduce the effects of global warming.

Saving trees will create a greener and healthier environment and in return

Trees are protectors. Save them, stop them, protect them.

Trees make the environment clean and provide us with oxygen. They are necessary for the elixir of life.

On trees, global warming is gone.

We should not be cruel to trees when they offer us so many gifts.

Stop being so ruthless towards trees.

Planting trees is a noble cause.

Save the divine gift of Mother Nature.

It is important that we conserve trees so that our lives are not adversely affected.

Nature is all giving and taking, and we reap what we sow.

Save Trees Slogans

Save Trees Slogans

Save trees, and reduce the greenhouse effect.

Trees are on, and global warming has gone.

Save trees, save nature

If the present generation cuts down trees, their children will have to pay the fees

Save trees, and save the homes of animals.

Save trees to combat climate change.

Save trees, and save the earth; we are the guardians of nature’s gifts.

Don’t just think green, live green

Save trees and reduce your carbon footprint

Trees are the roots of all living

Trees are protectors of the earth.

Trees help us breathe. save them.

Trees do us no harm. save them.

Plant Trees Slogans

Plant Trees Slogans

Plant more trees to bring the rain and get rid of the summer’s heat

Go for afforestation.

Protect greenery. Protect nature.

Planting a tree is much better than wearing a mask to be safe from pollution.

Don’t spoil the scenery and plant some greenery

Paint the world green

Planting a tree can save your life

Think and live green

Plant trees to breathe another day

Each one, plant one

Trees are important. stop deforestation.

Feel free. Plant a new tree.

Trees are important.

Plant More Trees Slogan

Plant More Trees Slogan

Plant more trees; make the environment pollution free.

Save the trees to save yourself

Save your children by planting a tree

Plant hope by planting a tree

Breathe better by planting a tree

SAVE yourself for free by planting a tree

If you plant a tree, you plant a life.

Plant a tree, so that the next generation can get air for free.

Don’t make trees rare, keep them with care.

Take care of the trees, they will take care of you.

Being polite. Trees contribute a lot.

Plant trees, and save your future.

Water plants, conservation of trees.

Plant Trees Slogan

Plant Trees Slogan

For every tree that you plant, you bring the environment temperature to a slant.

Trees are on, and global warming is gone.

Save trees, and live an active lifestyle.

Save trees, Save a life.

Save trees, save nature.

Join the green side

Listen to the trees, they have more bark than bite!

Keep calm & live green

Keep The Green. Cut The Greed

Save trees, reduce the greenhouse effect

Plant a tree, so that the next generation can get free air.

More trees would mean fewer people would have to spend money on oxygen.

Don’t make trees rare, keep them carefully.

Make A Tree Your Best Friend

Make A Tree Your Best Friend

Make a tree your best friend; it only gives without asking for anything in return.

Save trees, and combat climate change.

Save trees, save wildlife’s habitat.

Save the trees like a mother saves her son. Trees also save you.

Save the trees, save the earth. We are guardians of nature’s birth.

Save trees and be prevented from ultraviolet rays.

Save trees, and reduce the greenhouse effect.

Trees are our wealth on planet Earth.

Trees are the beauty of nature. Don’t cut the tree.

Plant more trees. Care for humanity.

No Trees, No Mankind.

Stop deforestation. Deforestation should be discouraged.

Go for afforestation, Afforestation can bring the land to life.

Plant a tree. It’s free, Planting a tree does not cost you money.